March 12, 2020 - September 4, 2020


Forsaking God, Finding Oneself

Praxis is pleased to present Forsaking God, Finding Oneself, a solo exhibition by Platz (b. 1982, Tucuman, Argentina).

A reception to celebrate the opening of the show will be held at our space at 501 W 20th Street, New York, NY 10011, on Thursday, March 12th, from 6 pm to 8 pm. 

Artist’s statement:

My work revolves around the deconstruction and construction of structures. Order and its reason makes itself felt in that which is manifested as a mark of identity, as a limit. One embraces as one’s own what has been learned but there are always thresholds that invite us to disruption, to evolution as the aim of everything created.

For my second show at Praxis NY, I looked to the color gold, symbol of spiritual light, life, and rebirth, and of holy, healing and purifying fire. On the basis of that symbology, I used gold in my work to produce a rupture in the color spectrum and in color as technique.

Initially, I did not alter the morphology that I have been working with: spatial structures that invite recognition of that which sustains us as well as a possible new order closer to our own frequency through the illumination of gold.

In a second instance, I included the circle, symbol of eternity, spiritual completeness and its manifestation in chaos and order. The circle opens us up to heed the transcendental beyond what is learned. The moment we listen to ourselves.

I closed the process by including more complex organic forms tied to words and language, the core of our bonds. It is what stifles our fantasy of expressing everything, totality, and what incites us to analyze our reaction to what seems different.

Forsaking God, Finding Oneself is an invitation into the vast and deep space of ourselves.

Platz, NY, 2020



Praxis was founded in 1977. With locations in New York and Buenos Aires, our mission is to bring the compelling creativity and imagination of Latin American contemporary art forward to a worldwide audience.

Please join the conversation with @praxis.newyork on instagram and facebook via the hashtags #praxisnewyork #platzatpraxis 

Praxis was founded in 1977. With locations in New York and Buenos Aires, our mission is to bring the compelling creativity and imagination of Latin American contemporary art forward to a worldwide audience.

Please join the conversation with @praxis.newyork on instagram and facebook via the hashtags #praxisnewyork #platzatpraxis 


Beatriz Morales

Open from:

Praxis New York
10 am - 6 pm hrs.

USA+1 212 772 9478


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