November 12, 2020 - January 2, 2021

Miriam Costanza


Praxis is pleased to present Dulce-Orbis, a solo exhibition by Miriam Costanza (b. Mendoza, Argentina)

A reception to celebrate the opening of the show will be held at our space at 501 W 20th Street, on Thursday, November 12th, from 5 pm to 8 pm

The exhibition will be open to the public from Tuesdays to Saturdays, 10 am to 6 pm, until January 2nd, 2021.

According to Jung, the seeker is the archetype of human that represents the craving for a better and freer life, far from nonconformity and domestication. Its greatest wish is to explore the world and encounter the transcendent. An independent being, faithful to itself.

This definition of the archetype of the seeker is the first thing that comes to mind when visiting a small apartment in the vicinity of the iconic New York Library. The atelier, in the heart of this great city, is the place Miriam Costanza choose for her creative activity. It looks like it’s out of time, surrounded by huge linen racks with a large window of cut glass through which the light enters. Light that, in all its variants, Miriam irradiates and translates into her canvas. Despite being in the heart of the city, it takes us away from the worldly noise. Immediately, it reminds us of her native city: sacred land crossed by the Aconcagua mountain, a symbol of ancient cultures that saw this great artist grow.

The essence of this paradise in which Miriam grew up is felt and vibrated both in her studio and in the materiality of her canvases, where she captures her work, day and night. In this sacred space, the artist connects us with a primal spirituality, just as Hildegarda de Bingen did in XII Century.

The mandorla is a sacred symbol that reappears in the abstractions that are part of the series of paintings that Costanza presents in this exhibition. Miriam grants a new vitality to the mandorla: here, the geometric figure design with two circles that cut each other is not static. On the contrary, this encounter of figures generates a dynamic door between two worlds, through the magical sensation of nexus between the earthly and the heavenly. This feeling is the one that runs through us when looking at the canvases of the Dulce-Orbis series.

Visiting guidelines:

*No food or drinks will be served or allowed.

*Face covering will be required at all times.

*Limited capacity, max of 10 people at a time.

*Physical distance is required; please keep six feet apart.


Beatriz Morales

Open from:

Praxis New York
10 am - 6 pm hrs.

USA+1 212 772 9478


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