December 8, 2011 - January 14, 2012

Hisae Ikenaga

Ambiguous Situations

Through interrelated and multidisciplinary interventions the artist explores the multiple meanings of her surrounding objects in her most recent series of work. Ironic actions at her own home, an installation at Matadero art space in Madrid, and modified newspaper pages, as the upcoming onsite installation, question ideas from industrial design and measure the room in reference to other objects and spaces. Half-Mexican, half-Japanese, and living in Spain, Hisae Ikenaga studied Fine Arts in Mexico City and completed postgraduate studies in Kyoto, Barcelona, and Madrid. She has exhibited extensively in Cuba, Germany, Japan, México, Spain, UK, France and US, among other countries.


Beatriz Morales

Open from:

Praxis New York
10 am - 6 pm hrs.

USA+1 212 772 9478


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