
Lucia Fainzilber | Artnet News

Photographer Lucia Fainzilber’s Portraits of Flowers Go Beyond Decoration, Capturing Their Medicinal, Intoxicating Potential

The artist’s current exhibition “Flowers Never Bend with the Rainfall” is on view at Praxis, New York.

Flowers often serve as a beautifying force at the margins of our lives, filling our gardens, lining our sidewalks and highway meridians, and sometimes adorning our family tables. But rarely do we take the time to see flowers as individual blossoms full of specific complexities and influence in the world. In this series, Fainzilber focuses her lens on these blooms, capturing their intricate colorings and marks, often photographing a single flowerhead with detailed precision. In this way, the artist aims to underscore the very real power of flowers—with all their medicinal, poisonous, and intoxicating potential.

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