K27671 Whiteweave Touchmap
K27671 Whiteweave Touchmap
Técnica mixta sobre madera
122 x 122 x 8 cm

Darlene Charneco

These pieces are created as part of my ongoing Prayers and Weaves series, with each nail hammered as a positive and tactile wish. I have been long interested in islands as physical and metaphorical entities… and how they reflect unique shifts in evolution due to their physical boundaries, relative isolation and fluctuating degrees and types of connection.

In these works the wishes and positive visualizations are each condensed to the hammering of one nail.. and then repeated many times each… so that when I sit to work I can also include many thoughts and hopes that have arisen during the time of the piece.
It is my aim that the works convey beyond specific words (I wish to have an inclusiveness that connects our humanity when often our association to words and names can divide even when the heart is the same). It is the process of renewing hope, determination and faith in the accumulation of multitudes of small actions that I hope we all can all relate to and be inspired by.

Darlene Charneco, NY 2018
